Sunday, January 1, 2012

linking of learning stories

By noticing how Isaac explored his morning tea, we ended up having a couple of fun filled weeks - all based around the flicking of his water and cake. I think it is important not just to notice what children are doing, but to try and work out what they could be thinking as they do it; to look past the mess and see the concepts behind it.
Through noticing Isaac, planning around the idea that he had and then continuing to build on his knowledge and linking learning stories, I am demonstrating Professional Knowledge dimension 3, the characteristics and progress of my students. My colleague and I also worked together to extend the water play by creating gloop. I worked alongside Allie, leading and supporting her. As a result, we were able to use the activity she had set up as our room's blog. This was an example of my professional leadership, leading and supporting other teachers (dimension 25).

Impromptu water play
Created at: 11/10/2011
By: Rebecca Goh

Water play


Play dough

1 comment:

joann said...

great that you are actively able to see the true image of the child, one that includes curiosity and wonder in everydday event and routines.
Here you were able to notice, recognise and respond to Isaac inclination to explore materials with his senses- even though it was meal times- at time when leanring is often thatn not seen to occur.
Through this documentation you show several activities where by you have provided a wide range of sensory activites to support Isaacs sensory exploration.

You also say you worked along colleagues to support therir practice,(while this is evident in practice daily- It would also be great if Allie could write a short paragraph documenting this support)

Or you could inturn document things that you have passed on to her.

keep up the great work.