Nursery 2 had been using the ‘Little Old Lady’ puppet for their gathering/mat times. I decided to also introduce this puppet to nursery one, seeing how much they have enjoyed and focused on the puppets we had previously borrowed from the Toddler room.

I put photos of using the puppet both on the blog for parents to look at, but also on the wall for the children to look at and recall what they had previously done. I also took a photo of each of the props that the old lady eats, and in order put them on the wall with short phrases from the song. I know from this photo it looks like I have placed the pictures high on the wall, but I have placed them so they are just out of reach of our tallest child. This has been a great way for us to revisit the song and the characters, and also use the same characters for different songs – Old Mac Donald, Walking through the jungle, etc, increasing their repertoire of songs. I have since made an addition to these pictures. I placed the Maori names of the characters below each picture to encourage the adults to use them. I believe that by continuing to provide resources that reflect and extend the interest in literacy meets teaching dimension 12 – communicates clearly and accurately in either or both of the official languages of NZ; dimension 13 – uses a range of teaching approaches; and dimension 14 – engages students in learning.
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