Because we have recently changed the carrier of our online profile books, as soon as we post an entry, the parents get an email informing them. When I wrote the farewell page for Isaac, I was really pleased to get a response from his mum. I found it up lifting, knowing that she does look at the entries put on. You can't help but wonder sometimes if all your hard work is even seen. Now I know - it is.

1 comment:
Kia Ora Rebecca,
Educa or the use of online portfolios have definately provided another dimension by which we communicate and share information with parents and whanau.
Not only does this format reiterate any verbal messages , but the use of photographs enable staff to capture childrens special moments and share with family.
Great to also see that you as a staff member are recieving responses from parents- this shows that they too value this format of reciprocalcommunication
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